Requirements Targeting

Remote Operations Center and Command

Data Network


Access Technologies and operations

Mission Infrastructure


QFIRE – A consolidated QUANTUMTHEORY platform to reduce latencies by co-locating passive sensors with local decisions and traffic injection (under development in 2011)
QUANTUM – Secret servers placed by NSA at key places on the internet backbone; part of the TURMOIL program *
QUANTUMBISCUIT – Enhancement of QUANTUMINSERT for targets which are behind large proxies *
QUANTUMBOT – Method for taking control of idle IRC bots and botnets) *
QUANTUMBOT2 – Combination of Q-BOT and Q-BISCUIT for webbased botnets *
QUANTUMCOOKIE – Method to force cookies onto target computers
QUANTUMCOPPER – Method for corrupting file uploads and downloads *
QUANTUMDIRK – Replacement for the QUANTUMINSERT hacking toolset that injects malicious content into chat services provided by websites such as Facebook and Yahoo *
QUANTUMDNS – DNS injection/redirection based off of A record queries *
QUANTUMHAND – Man-on-the-side technique using a fake Facebook server *
QUANTUMINSERT (QI) – Man-on-the-side technique that redirects target internet traffic to a FOXACID server for exploitation *
QUANTUMMUSH – Targeted spam exploitation method *
QUANTUMNATION – Umbrella for COMMONDEER and VALIDATOR computer exploits
QUANTUMPHANTOM – Hijacks any IP address to use as covert infrastructure *
QUANTUMSKY – Malware used to block targets from accessing certain websites through RST packet spoofing *
QUANTUMSMACKDOWN – Method for using packet injection to block attacks against DoD computers *
QUANTUMSPIN – Exploitation method for instant messaging *
QUANTUMSQUEEL – Method for injecting MySQL persistant database connections *
QUANTUMSQUIRREL – Using any IP address as a covert infrastructure *
QUANTUMTHEORY (QT) – Computer hacking toolbox, which dynamically injects packets into target’s network session *
QWERTY – TAO keylogger tool, probably a component of the WARRIORPRIDE malware framework